



Unlimited quotes

Unlimited item templates

Quote design tool

Unlimited support via email


What Happens after the end of the trial period?

You might decide that SugarQuote is not for you, that would be sad. In this case, you have nothing to do. You won’t be charged, we don’t even have your credit card at this point. The account you created along with its data will be deleted after 30 days following the end of the trial.

If you decide to go ahead and give SugarQuote a longer spin, then just enter your billing information and pick up where you left off. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes you can! If you’re currently a paying customer, you will get a refund for the remaining of your subscription. Your account and its data will be deleted 30 days following your cancellation. Fair and Square.

IS there a way to have more than one user for an account?

Not yet. But it’s coming. So, stay tuned…

WHAT DO you do to secure my data?

Security matters to us. Just the fact that we added that question in this FAQ should show you that we care about it, at least a bit. A great deal of time has been spent designing SugarQuote in a way that gives us confidence that your data is safe with us:

  • Passwords are encrypted using state of the art encryption. But please, don’t re-use the same password you use for your email or bank ;-)

  • The communication between our servers and your browser is encrypted so that nobody in the middle can listen or even worse, attack us.

  • Data is stored in the cloud (AWS) and backed up multiple times so you don’t have to. This is where we drop a list of compliance acronyms to show you that we comply: Here is the list.

  • Because privacy matters, we are never ever going to share, rent or sell your information. Like…never! It would just feel wrong to do that.

What kind of support is available?

Because we know that you’re busy and your business can’t wait, we do our very best to support you each step of the way. Baby steps. We currently handle support requests via our contact form. We really want you to be happy when using SugarQuote and feel like it provides you value. Also, support is a great way for us to connect with your and better understand you and your needs.